Toddler Sleep Course

In just 5 straightforward steps, rooted in positive and mindful discipline, we will restore sleep to your family. I assure you, this approach is unlike anything you've attempted before—no rewards, no punishments, no negotiations, and no letting them cry it out.

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Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

Course FAQ

  • Every child will adapt at their own pace. This variability is influenced by previous attempts and how much they might challenge the process. If you can fully adhere to the steps and maintain consistency, you should start noticing results within the first week. In approximately three weeks, you will establish regular bedtimes and peaceful nights!

  • There is absolutely NO crying it out. I do not support leaving a toddler to cry and call for you until they eventually “tire” themselves out. However, it's common to encounter emotions and tantrums during the initial nights as they adapt to the changes. By diligently following steps 1 and 2, you can expect less resistance and a smoother transition.

  • Almost everyone who seeks my assistance has exhausted numerous strategies without achieving consistent results. My approach is tailored to align with your child's developmental stage, taking into consideration their cognitive processes, the security they require, and the types of discipline that are effective. Unlike methods based on rewards and punishments—which often produce only temporary outcomes—my method focuses on establishing a solid foundation for sleep. By adhering to this program, you will help your child understand the importance of sleep, fostering a genuine appreciation for it.